1) The water body with very high nutrient content is known as -
A) Mesotrophic
B) Oligotrophic
C) Eutrophic
2) The book written by Rachal Carson is -
A) Silent Spring
B) The Voyage of the Beagle
C) The old man and the sea
3) The blue baby syndrome is caused by the contamination -
A) Phospate
B) Arsenic
C) Nitrate
4) The most important air pollutant for petrol cars is -
A) CO₂
B) SO₂
C) Hydrocarbons
5) Bhopal gas tragedy was occured due to leakage of -
A) Methyl isocyanate
B) Sulphur dioxide
C) NO₃
6) One of the leader of Narmada Bachao Andolon is -
A) Sundarlal Bahuguna
B) Medha Patekar
C) R.K. Pachauri
7) The silent valley movement occurred in -
A) Uttarakhand
B) Gujarat
C) Kerala
8) Plants tolerant to desert condition are -
A) Halophyte
B) Xerophyte
C) Hydrophyte
9) The Ramsar site of West Bengal is -
A) Sundarbans
B) Ravindra Sarovar
C) East Kolkata wetland
10) The number of biodiversity Hot spot in India -
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
11) A climatic phenomenon where a mass of warm water moves along the Pacific Coast of South America -
A) Tornado
B) Hurricane
C) El Nino
12) Example of tropical Savanna Biome is -
A) Dooars
B) Grasslands of Australia
C) Terai
13) Disease caused by protozoa is -
A) Bacillary dysentery
B) Amoebiosis
C) Typhoid
14) "Sardar Sarovar" dam is situated in -
A) Madhya Pradesh
B) Gujarat
C) Rajasthan
15) Which of the following is a non biodegradable pollutant?
A) Organic Waste
B) Electronic Waste
C) Night soil
16) Which one is not a renewable energy source?
A) Geothermal energy
B) Solar energy
C) Fossil fuel
17) Cauvery water dispute is between -
A) Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh B) Karnataka and Tamil Nadu
C) Kerala and Tamil Nadu
18) Conference related to control of ozone depleting substance is -
A) Montreal Protocol
B) Stockholm conference
C) Toronto World Conference
19) The skin cancer is caused by -
A) The Green House Effect
B) UV Exposure
C) None of this
20) The allowed thickness of plastic carry bags in the shops is -
A) 20 microns
B) 30 microns
C) 40 microns
21) Nitrogen fixing bacteria are -
A) Rhizobium
B) Bacillus
C) Dersia
22) Any nuclear reactor generally utilizes -
A) U²³⁴
B) U²³⁵
C) U²³⁶
23) The first detection of ozone hole occurred in -
A) Pennsylvania
B) Caroline Islands
C) Antarctica
24) Collectively Sundarban is a -
A) Sanctuary
B) Biosphere reserve
C) Protected forest
25) The water pollution prevention and control act was introduced in -
A) 1964
B) 1974
C) 1984
26) Which of the following bacteria can fix Nitrogen?
A) Nitrococcus
B) Nitrobacter
C) Azotobacter
27) Free floating aquatic microscopic organisms are known as -
A) Nekton
B) Plankton
C) Periphyton
28) Which of the following is not a micronutrient?
A) Chromium
B) Magnesium
C) Molybdenum
29) Chipko movement is the resurgence of ecological concern and took place in -
A) Kumaon
B) Himachal
C) Tehri-Garhwal
30) Which of the following organs is affected by silicosis?
A) Heart
B) Lung
C) Brain
31) Lotic water means -
A) Lake water
B) Running water in rivers
C) Ocean water
32) Activated Sludge is associated with -
A) Air purification process
B) Waste water treatment
C) Solid waste treatment
33) Which one of the following is not related to acid rain?
A) Carbon monoxide
B) Sulphur dioxide
C) Oxides of nitrogen
34) The seismograph is used to measure the intensity of -
A) Sea wave
B) Cyclone
C) Earthquake
35) Photosynthesis is a component in -
A) Carbon cycle
B) Nitrogen cycle
C) Sulphur cycle
36) Which disease is not caused by bacteria?
A) Chiken pox
B) Tuberculosis
C) Leprosy
37) 'Sand fly' is responsible for -
A) Plague
B) Amoebiosis
C) Kala-azar
38) The element responsible for 'Itai-itai' disease is -
A) Mercury
B) Arsenic
C) Cadmium
39) What percentage of its geographical area of a country should be under forest cover?
A) 23%
B) 33%
C) 13%
40) Montreal Protocol was made in order to reduce -
A) Green house gases
B) Ozone depleting chemicals
C) Suspended particular matter
41) El Nino results in -
A) Cold oceanic wave
B) Hot oceanic wave
C) Tsunami
42) Control of pest population by natural predators, parasites or pathogens is called -
A) Biological pest control
B) Integrated pest management
C) Chemical pest control
43) Which of the following is not an organochlorine compound?
A) Aldrin
B) Brine
C) Hexachlorobenzene
44) Chemical, physical or biological agents that cause birth defect are called -
A) Teratogen
B) Carcinogen
C) Mutagen
45) Confinement for species in a particular area is described as -
A) Endemic
B) Epidemic
C) Exotic
46) Pollen can cause -
A) Tuberculosis
B) Allergy
C) Typhoid
47) Genetic diversity is known as -
A) α - diversity
B) β - diversity
C) γ - diversity
48) COD is measurable for -
A) Water sample
B) Soil sample
C) Air sample
49) Trickling filter is used in -
A) Waste water treatment
B) Air treatment
C) Solid waste treatment
50) The book 'Silent Spring' was written by -
A) Rachel Carson
B) Charles Darwin
C) Adam Smith
51) Salim Ali is a famous -
A) Herpetologist
B) Entomologist
C) Ornithologist
52) The stratosphere is the region between -
A) 10—50 km
B) 0—15 km
C) 50—85 km
53) Earth day is celebrated in -
A) 5th June
B) 22nd march
C) 22nd April
54) The 3P's of environment is popularly known as -
A) Price, Product, Profit
B) People, pay and pollute
C) People, Planet and Profit
55) COP – Summit on Climate change was held in 2013 at -
A) Cuncun
B) Warsaw
C) Bali
56) Vermicompost is produced with the help of -
A) Ants
B) Earthworms
C) Mosquitoes
57) 'Daphnia' is a -
A) Periphyton
B) Nekton
C) Plankton
58) 'Giardiasis' is caused by -
A) Bacteria
B) Virus
C) Protozoa
59) Wildlife protection act was enacted in the year -
A) 1972
B) 1982
C) 1992
60) 'RSPM' is -
A) Respirable sophisticate particulate matter
B) Respirable suspended particulate matter
C) Respirable surrounding particulate matter
61) When the amount of pesticide is magnified from one trophic level to other, known as -
A) Bioaccumulation
B) Biotransformation
C) Biomagnification
62) Tree-hugging movement is also known as -
A) Chipko movement
B) Big-dam movement
C) Save-river movement
63) Which one of the following enacted in -
the year 2002?
A) Biodiversity act
B) Air act
C) Water act
64) High volume sampler can measure -
A) The SPM level in air
B) BOD level in water
C) Level of noise
65) "Locust" is -
A) An insect
B) a bird
C) a fish
66) Which one of the following is not a renewable energy?
A) Fossil fuel
B) Wind energy
C) Solar energy
67) Which one is not an ore of Iron?
A) Bauxite
B) Magnetite
C) Hematite
68) The first layer of atmosphere above the earth surface is -
A) Stratosphere B) Troposphere C) Mesosphere
69) Hygrometer is an instrument used to record -
A) Relative humidity
B) Wind direction
C) Ocean currents
70) The gas which is used as fuel -
A) Hydrogen
B) Oxygen
C) Nitrogen
71) Example of an 'Omnivore' is -
A) Cockroach
B) Blue whale
C) Vulture
72) Ecotone is -
A) Ecosystem
B) Biome
C) A zone between two ecosystem
73) Green Peace is -
A) Government policy
B) N.G.O
C) Administrative treaty
74) Agenda 21 was an outcome of the conference at -
A) Rio de Jeneiro
B) Stockholm
C) Vienna
75) 'IUCN' stands for -
A) Inter State Unity of Culture and Nature
B) International Union for Conservation of Nature Body
C) International Union for the Conservation of Nature
76) The age of earth is approximately -
A) 4.54 billion years
B) 4.8 billion years
C) 4.2 billion years
77) The intensity of earthquake is measured on -
A) Richter scale
B) Fujita scale
C) Dalton scale
78) What are the main constituents of biogas?
A) Nitrogen and butane
B) Ethane and butane
C) Methane and carbon dioxide
79) Which of the following non-renewable energy resources is not a fossil fuel?
A) Oil
B) Coal
C) Nuclear fuel
80) Acid rain is due to -
A) Production of SO₂
B) SO₂ gas converted to H₂SO₄
C) Production of CO₂
81) The main pollutant in vehicle emission is -
A) CO₂
C) SO₂
82) Eutrofication of water body causes reduction of -
A) Dissolved O₂
B) Dissolved H₂
C) Dissolved salt
83) The permissible limit of Arsenic in water is -
A) 0.05 mg/L
B) 0.005 mg/L
C) 0.5 mg/L
84) The principal source of ash is -
A) Thermal powerplant
B) Brick field
C) Forest fire
85) The average temperature of the Earth is approximately -
A) 10°C
B) 15°C
C) 20°C
86) The Unit of ionizing radiation is called -
87) BOD is used to test -
A) Soil
B) Water
C) Air